From employee to executive

From employee to executive – S+P Seminars – Inhouse Trainings

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From employee to executive

From employee to executive – S+P Seminars – Inhouse Trainings

Ensure acceptance – Resolve opposition and conflicts in a confident way

> Handle opposition in a confident way, gain recognition and respect as an executive

> Proven and effective management techniques

> Master difficult situations in daily management

> Effective management techniques for conflict resolution


Target group – From employee to executive

Team, group and project leaders, deputy executives, leaders of executive departments. Key account managers, product managers and assistants from boards and administrations. Management of persons in authority, teams, colleagues and employees.


Your benefits – From employee to executive

Day 1:

> Management without management function – ensure recognition and acceptance as an executive

> Successful management techniques: target agreement, delegation and motivation

Day 2:

> Specific challenges in daily management

> The most important skills for conflict prevention

> Quick and effective resolution of conflicts – proven techniques in practice

Day 1 and Day 2 can be booked separately!


Your advantages – From employee to executive

Each participant receives the following S+P products:

+ S+P Management test „Management skills: define your management style“

+ S+P Test: Assess your communicative strong points

+ Team development: at what phase does my team find itself?

+ Standpoint definition Management skills and related motivation tools

+ Effective preparation of a target agreement meeting

+ S+P Test „What is your delegation manner?“

+ S+P Test: „Feedback proficiency“

+ S+P Guidelines „Recognition and resolution of conflicts“


Program 1. Seminar day

Management without management function – ensure recognition and acceptance as an executive

> From colleague to executive: Central principles of lateral management

> Confident handling of uncertainties, pressure to perform, expectations

> Personal adjustment: Distancing oneself without herewith withdrawing oneself

> Key qualification and self-organization – the structuring of processes by oneself and in the team

> Making situational decisions and representing them in a confident way

The participants receive S+P management tests and case studies:


+  Management skills: Define your management style

+ S+P Test:  Assess your communicative strong points



Successful management techniques: Target agreement, delegation and motivation (Part 1)

> Clear definition of „rules of the game“ and communication lines in the team

> Correct delegation – conferring responsibilities

> Management with goals and SMART formulation of goals

> Meetings with employees – how to successfully conduct them and how to bindingly formulate assignments

> Bringing team members „on board“ – controlling common things together


Successful management techniques: Target agreement, delegation and motivation (Part 2)

> Management of inefficient employees and teams

> Team motivation: The most effective ways

> Feedback – a special challenge in management

> Criticism as a management tool: A successful critical conversation

> Management from bottom to top: Keeping the manager on course

 The participants receive S+P management tests and check lists:


+ Effective preparation of a target agreement meeting

+ What is your delegation manner? 

+ S+P check list „SMART formulation of goals“

+ Feedback skills

+ Practice check: Tools for the optimal usage of your time budget



Specific challenges in daily management

> What is to be done if „rules of the game“ are broken

> Sandwich position: Connecting link between management and employees

> Management of difficult employees and colleagues

> Performance loss among employees in a team

> Recognizing and handling the tension between management and team members in time

Case studies: Solution possibilities for challenging situations in management are developed together


Conflict prevention: Proven techniques in practice

> Signals and basic patterns of conflicts

> Recognizing conflicts in time – The 9 escalation levels of a conflict

> What management/conflict type am I and why?

> Influence of one’s personality on one’s own conflict behavior

The participants receive check lists on the topic „Determining one’s own management/conflict type“

 Case studies: Development of solution and negotiation strategies for challenging conflict situations.


Quick and objective resolution of conflicts

> Resolving conflicts by means of removing „gray areas“ in responsibilities and resources

> Change of perspective – considering different viewpoints and eliminating misunderstandings

5 strategies to efficiently and successfully resolve the conflict

> Agreeing on solutions and pursuing them

> Help! I am also in a conflict

The participants receive check lists on the topic „Tools for efficient and successful conflict resolution“.


Leadership & Controlling – From employee to executive

Seminar Unternehmensführung:  Geschäftsführung kompakt

Seminar Unternehmensführung:  Controlling – Update für Unternehmer

Seminar Führen:  Die 8 erfolgreichsten Führungstechniken

Seminar Führen:  Konfliktmanagement: Lösungen für den Führungsalltag

Seminar Führen:  Führen mit System

Seminar Kommunikation:  Erfolgreiche Assistenz

Seminar Kommunikation:  Motivation – Kommunikation – Zeitmanagement

Seminar Teamentwicklung:  Zielvereinbarung und Mitarbeitergespräche

Seminar Teamentwicklung:  Personal-Suche der neuen Generation

Seminar Teamentwicklung:  Führungs-Training Teamentwicklung

Seminar Finanzen:  Finanz- und Liquiditätsmanagement

Seminar Finanzen:  Liquiditätsplanung kompakt

Seminar Unternehmensbewertung:  Unternehmensverkauf & Nachfolge

Seminar Unternehmensbewertung:  Welchen Wert hat mein Unternehmen?

Seminar Nachfolge:  Unternehmensnachfolge erfolgreich gestalten

Seminar Nachfolge:  Konfliktmanagement in Familienunternehmen

Seminar Geldwäschebeauftragter:  Geldwäsche und Fraud – Basisseminar

Seminar Geldwäschebeauftragter:  Geldwäsche und Fraud – Aufbauseminar

Seminar Compliance:  MaRisk-Compliance – WpHG-Compliance – Vertriebsbeauftragter

Seminar Compliance:  Compliance

Seminar MaRisk Compliance:  Neue Compliance-Funktion gemäß MaRisk

Seminar MaRisk Compliance:  Compliance im Fokus der Bankenaufsicht

eminar Depot A:  Depot  A im Fokus der Bankenaufsicht

Seminar Depot A:  Depot A Management: Kompaktwissen für die Niedrigzinsphase

Seminar Planung:  Liquiditätsplanung Basiswissen

Seminar Planung:  Liquiditäts- und Finanzplanung

Seminar Vertrieb:  Erfolgreich im Vertrieb

Seminar Vertrieb:  Preis-Wissen kompakt

Seminar Rechnungswesen:  Bilanz-Wissen kompakt

Seminar Rechnungswesen:  Bilanz- und Eigenkapitaloptimierung

Inhouse:  Unternehmensführung

Inhouse:  Führung – Kommunikation – Teamentwicklung

Führen ohne Macht, Führen ohne Vorgesetztenfunktion, Laterales Führen