Liquidity planning compact

Liquidity planning compact

Seminar Liquiditätsplanung Kompakt – S+P Unternehmerforum – Produkt-No. C04


Liquidity planning compact


Planning – Control – Optimization for more liquidity

> How safe is your liquidity planning?

> In our seminar you will learn how to build reliable liquidity planning.

> How can you optimally manage the cash flows in your own company – even in turbulent euro-times?

> Many companies have up to 30% liquidity reserves. What measures can you use to lift these reserves and reduce interest costs?


Target Group – Seminar Liquidity Planning Compact

> Managing directors, owners, board members, authorized signatories and executives

> Specialists in finance, accounting, controlling and treasury


Your benefit – Seminar Liquidity Planning Compact

> Liquidity planning – Effective, clear and simple

> Cash is King – the liquidity-saving payment plan

> Liquidity at all times – your practice guide

> Financing solutions for growth, project business and high inventories


Your Advantage – Seminar Liquidity Planning Compact

All participants receive the following S & P products free of charge:

+ Business planning tool with working capital and liquidity benchmarking

+ Liquidity planning in accordance with the banking standard with cash flow simulation

+ Risk report to ensure the ability to pay at any time

+ Key figures report on structural liquidity and the company’s own rating


Seminars and seminar locations – Seminar Liquidity Planning Compact

You will find our seminars on Liquidity Planning Compact in Berlin, Hamburg, Hanover, Münster, Cologne, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt am Main, Leipzig, Dresden, Stuttgart, Munich, London, Vienna, Salzburg and Innsbruck.

The next dates can be found under seminar dates. You would like to receive up-to-date information about your personal further education in practice. Here you can register directly for our newsletter.

Seminar Program Liquidity Planning Compact

Liquidity planning – Effective, clear and reliable – Seminar Liquidity Planning Compact

> Development of liquidity planning according to banking standard in 5 steps

> Setting screws for reliable liquidity planning

> Structure payment flows and calculate plan data correctly

> Important components of the planning at a glance: accounts payable, debtors, bank and credit reports

> “Deadly sins” in liquidity planning

> Risk report and key figures for monitoring solvency


The participants receive the following S & P products:

+ Simulation of cash flow with our liquidity tool

+ an Excel tool for liquidity planning and cash flow simulation that can be used in all industries


Cash is king – the liquidity-saving payment plan – Seminar Liquidity Planning Compact

> “Right” cash management in stormy euro-times

> Quick Check “More liquidity”: find liquidity potential with the help of benchmarks

> Working Capital: central to controlling structural liquidity

> How big should the liquidity buffer be? The appropriate key figures give you an answer.

> Strengthening cash flow and optimizing structural liquidity


The participants receive the following S & P products:

+ Checklists for finding and raising liquidity reserves

+ Key figures for optimizing working capital


Liquidity at all times – Your practice guide – Seminar Liquidity Planning Compact

> Liquidity management with the help of the cash flow statement and movement balance

> Effective cash flow control with the set screws

> “Business activity”, “Investing activities” and “Financing activities”

> What should I pay particular attention to when controlling my company?

> Targeted accumulation of liquidity reserves – securing financial independence

> Top figures for liquidity and cash flow development

> Control indicators and early-warning systems for liquidity – the essentials for decision-makers and entrepreneurs at a glance


The participants receive the following S & P products:

+ Case studies for the purposeful analysis and interpretation of the cash flow statement and movement balance

+ Participants receive an excel tool for business planning with a planned balance sheet, profit and loss account, contribution margin analysis, scenario analysis and cash flow statement


Liquidity planning compact


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