Management Training 2019

Management Training 2019

Management Training 2019 – S+P Trainings – S+P Seminars – Book Seminar at S & P – Seminar-No. B05


Managementtraining 2019 - S+P Trainings - S+P Seminars

Target Group – Management Training 2019

Managing directors and executives from the trade, production, healthcare, service and financial sectors.

Your benefit – Management Training 2019

Day 1

  • Future in sales and price management
  • Safe and reliable financial and liquidity planning
  • Business objectives fully in view – effective use of key figures

Day 2

  • How to build a closed team at the top
  • Faster innovation through better time management
  • How to get your team in top form

Your lead

Each participant receives:
+ S & P Tool Design a digital business model
+ S & P Toolbox: tools for digital sales practice
+ S & P simulation tool: enterprise analysis with metrics
+ S & P Leadership Tool: Effectively guide goal-setting discussions
+ S & P Tests: What time management type are you?
+ Motivate employees properly

Program – Management Training 2019

Future in Sales and Price Management – Management Training 2019

> What are the profit and value drivers in practice?
> Recognize and excite customers’ willingness to pay
> Opportunity Digitalisation: How can sales and distribution best benefit from digitization?
> How fit is your company in pricing?
> Planning and control

Direct implementation in practice:
+ S & P Tool Design a digital business model
+ S & P Toolbox: tools for digital sales practice


Safe and Reliable Financial and Liquidity Planning – Management Training 2019

> Is the liquidity of your own company strong enough?
> Actively manage working capital and cash flow
> Recognize and eliminate financing gaps at an early stage – the most important financing rules at a glance
> Industry comparisons of financial position and liquidity
> Setting screws for reliable financial and liquidity planning

Direct implementation in practice:
+ S & P Check Working Capital: identify liquidity eaters

Business objectives fully in view – effective use of key figures

> Why only vital and robust companies take the lead
> Does the business model fit? Costs under control? Properly funded?
> Top key figures return on investment and contribution margin per employee
> Targeted increase in company value
> Soft data also counts! – Determination of employee and customer satisfaction
> Everything at a glance: top figures and your personal management cockpit

Direct implementation in practice:
+ Case studies with our S & P simulation tool “Company analysis and key figures traffic light”


How to build a closed team at the top

> Lead employees with goals and formulate SMART goals
> Target employee types according to the DISG concept
> Target agreement discussions lead to success
> Delegation of tasks – delegate the right tasks to team members
> The VeSiEr method – Recognize employee competences and check them specifically
> Successful feedback – constructive feedback for the employees
> Leading underachieving and difficult employees and teams

Direct implementation in practice:
+ S & P management tool: Successful goal setting process
+ S & P Leadership Tool: Effectively guide goal-setting discussions

Faster innovation through better time management

> Which leadership type are you?
> Communicate and coordinate tasks and time windows in the team
> Which tasks are really important?
> Recognizing time thieves and successfully fending off
> Creating open spaces – “Who gets the monkey?”

Direct implementation in practice:
+ Positioning Leadership and Leadership
+ S & P Check: Identify your time thieves and time-wasters
+ S & P test: What time management type am I?


How to get your team in top form

> Systematic coaching: Securing best services on a permanent basis
> Which parameters are decisive for successful team leadership?
> Provide an environment that top performers never want to leave
> Your leadership tasks in the coaching process
> Persuasiveness, criticism and feedback as central coaching skills
> How do I motivate myself? How do I motivate my team?

Direct implementation in practice:
+ S & P Test: How powerful are you?
+ S & P Checklist: Successful review and feedback discussion as a coach


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Management Training 2019


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