Proper leadership in selling activities

Proper leadership in selling activities

Proper leadership in selling activities – S & P seminar – Product No. G 07


Fully exploit potential – Increase sales – Safely achieve sales goals – Proper leadership in selling activities

> Dynamic sales teams require special leadership!
In our seminar we show you different leadership styles and their effect on the sales success.
> The decisive behaviors have to be exemplified. Which management tools have proven themselves in everyday sales?
> What sets a dynamic sales team apart?
> What development phases does each team go through?
We show you how to achieve more success and higher motivation with the right strategy.



Target Group – Proper leadership in selling activities

Managing directors, authorized signatories, sales managers, sales executives,
Sales, customer service and key account management employees.



Your benefit – Proper leadership in selling activities

> How to build a winning team in sales?
> Safely achieving sales goals: Use of efficient management tools
> Conduct feedback discussions with the sales team effectively
> Numerous tips and tricks for the practice help you with the correct use of target agreements, performance incentives and feedback discussions



Your advantage – Proper leadership in selling activities

Each participant receives the following S & P products
+ Leadership and living leadership
+ Leading dynamic sales teams
+ Formulate SMART goals
+ Optimal use of leadership and sales experience




Proper leadership in selling activities





Program – Proper leadership in selling activities



Is there “right” or “wrong” – Proper leadership in selling activities?

> Leadership: an overview of the different styles and competencies of a successful sales manager
> Involve employees and participate in the sales goals
> Role conflicts – expectations of the leader
> Assessment of the situation and appropriate management style
> Differentiation of employee types according to DISG concept



The participants receive the following S & P products
+ Case studies to select the “right” leadership style
+ Checklists on “Leadership” and “Leadership”



How do you build a winning team in sales?

> Key phases in the development of a sales team
> Use motivators to ensure sales success
> Set performance incentives correctly, increase performance, maintain high performance levels
> 10 characteristics of a winning team



The participants receive the following S & P products
+ Case study to build high performance teams
+ Checklists on “Leading High Performance Teams”



Use of efficient management tools – Proper leadership in selling activities

> Lead sales people with goals and formulate goals correctly
> Review goals using the SMART criteria
> Five target types for an effective target agreement
> Get the right sales people on board, inspire them for the products and tie them to the company
> You have to negotiate again and again – negotiating strategies at a glance
> How does fact-based negotiation work?
> Developing objective and neutral assessment criteria



The participants receive the following S & P products
+ Case studies on typical leadership and negotiation situations in sales
+ Case study: target agreement discussions lead to success
+ formulate the checklist “SMART goals”



Effectively Conduct Feedback Talks With The Sales Team – Proper leadership in selling activities

> Optimal preparation and execution of the appraisal and target discussion
> Stay in effective dialogue with your own salespeople
> Anchor sales targets with feedback discussions!
> A “lived” goal and customer orientation is no coincidence!
> Winning teams have special requirements for the manager
> Use leadership force purposefully



The participants receive the following S & P products
+ the checklist “Optimal use of leadership strengths in sales”

Proper leadership in selling activities


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