Seminar Risk Management from A to Z
Seminar Risk Management from A to Z – Book S & P Seminar – Product-No. A08
- Legal requirements and due diligence obligations from KonTraG, BilMoG, HGrG and MaRisk
- Exclude liability risks for managing directors, agents and guarantors
- Corporate and Risk Strategy: transparent and understandable
- Make risk reporting efficient and recipient-oriented
- Protection against fraud and corruption
- Board / management, authorized signatories and commercial management
- Specialists and executives as well as representatives from the areas of risk management, auditing, controlling, compliance, quality management, corporate planning, finance and accounting, legal department
- Management Report: Minimum Requirements for Risk Management
- Risk Strategy – Risk Inventory and Risk Workshop – Risk Manual
- Risk-bearing capacity and limit system -Creation of the risk report
- Liquidity Risk Strategy and Liquidity Planning – Stress Testing – Reporting
- Protection against fraud and corruption: internal control system and internal audit
Each participant receives together with the seminar documents the following S & P products:
+ Risk Manual according to the Wirtschaftsprüffer standard (about 30 pages)
+ Complete documentation for an internal control and management system (approx. 50 pages)
+ Checklists for the safe construction of the risk management system
+ 16 points check on the regularity of the management
+ Checklists for risk reporting and the limit system
+ Checklists against fraud, corruption and money laundering
+ Certificate of participation as training and certification certificate according to BilMoG
Seminar Price – Seminar Risk Management from A to Z
Price: 690, – £ excl. 19% VAT.
Included in the price:
Participants documents as PDF, 3-course meal, coffee, tea, Soft drinks and Snacks in the breaks
Program – Risk Management and Internal Control System
> Target-oriented implementation of the legal minimum standards KonTraG, BilMoG, HGrG, IDW PS 340
> Components of a comprehensive compliance system Minimum requirements according to IDW PS 980
> Operational organization of risk management MaRisk: Benchmark concept for risk management
> Liability of guarantors – BGH judgment of 17 July 2009 on the responsibility of the commissioners
> What new due diligence obligations must guarantors, agents, management and supervisory board fulfill?
> 16-point check on the regularity of the management
All participants receive the following S & P products:
+ S & P Case Studies and S & P Checklists on Business Conduct and the Safe Management of Liability Risks
Management Report: Minimum Requirements for Risk Management
> Report on risk management as part of the management report
> Auditor’s requirements for the risk report
> Structure of a sample structure for the management report
> Reporting compliance and risk management: monitoring and control plan, patterns for recipient-oriented reporting
All participants receive the following S & P products
+ S & P Case Studies and Minimum Requirements in accordance with DRS No. 5 and IDW Audit Standard 340.
Risk Strategy – Risk Inventory – Risk Manual (Part 1)
> Corporate and Risk Strategy: simple, transparent and understandable
> Risk management as an element of corporate management – organizational connection in the company
> Carrying out a risk inventory and setting up a risk manual
The participants will receive a risk manual according to the auditor standard
(About 35 pages).
Risk Workshop: Recording, Assessment and Measurement of Risks (Part 2) – Seminar Risk Management from A to Z
> Workshop for Risk Controlling, Compliance, Money Laundering & Fraud – how can duplication be avoided and results used optimally?
> Methods of Risk Assessment – Qualitative Risk Characterization – Quantitative Risk Description – Determination of Overall Risk
> Risk Assessment: Criteria and benchmarks for material and immaterial risks
> Correct assessment and limitation of intra and inter-risk concentrations
> Early warning indicators for risk identification and risk control
All participants receive the following S & P products
+ Participants receive S & P case studies, S & P checklists and a risk manual in accordance with the CPA standard.
+ The S & P checklists help you with risk inventory and identifying hidden risks.
Risk-bearing capacity and limit system – Capital planning process – Structure of the risk report (Part 1)
> Management of business, credit, market price and liquidity risks
> Creation of a transparent risk limit and reporting system within 5 working days
> Management approaches for determining risk-bearing capacity
> 6 steps for a audit-proof capital planning process
> Components of a risk report with limit system and risk-bearing capacity
> Risk monitoring and reporting: standard reports and adhoc reports
All participants receive the following S & P products
Participants receive S & P case studies for the audit-proof construction of a risk report in practice.
Liquidity Risk Strategy and Liquidity Planning (Part 2)
> Minimum requirements for the liquidity risk strategy
> Liquidity planning and management: Securing solvency
> Stress tests and scenario analyzes: Definition and categorization of classical stress tests and inverse stress tests
> Structure and components of a stress test report
All participants receive the following S & P products
Participants receive S & P case studies for the direct development of liquidity planning in accordance with IDW PS 800. Sample reports for stress testing and inverse stress tests are provided.
Protection against fraud and corruption: internal control system and internal audit
> Components and scope of an internal control and management system What minimum requirements must outsourcing and emergency concepts meet?
> When is it a significant outsourcing?
> Control matrix for business processes and functional controls
> Requirements for a New Products / Markets Process
> Security measures against money laundering and fraud
> Risk-oriented review, documentation and reporting by Internal Audit
> Optimal interaction between risk controlling, compliance, ICS, central office, data protection and auditing officers
All participants receive the following S & P products
+ Each participant receives an S & P model instruction for an internal control system according to the examination standard.
+ Checklists are given for the direct selection of suitable safety precautions.
+ Participants receive implementation checklists for outsourcing and emergency concepts
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